Sunday, June 7, 2009

Welcome, Sweet Peter

We welcomed our newest little boy, Peter Onil Smith, on June 1, 2009 at 2:18pm. He weighed 8 lbs 2 oz and was 20 in long. Apparently, he didn't want a May birthday because he made us wait a whole extra week to meet him. When I went to the doctor on Friday, I was at 5cm so we were sure he would come over the weekend. But no. I can't believe I was walking around at a 5 and my water still didn't break. I kept having daydreams that it would happen at church or the middle of Walmart. We tried everything we could to get labor started, but he would not be convinced. I finally was induced on Monday at 8am. When they checked me at noon I was progressing pretty slowly so it looked like he wouldn't be born until later that night. The nurse checked me again at 2pm, though, and freaked. I was completely dialated and effaced and ready to go! So my doctor came literally running from his office next door (he teased me that he pulled a hamstring for this baby) and got ready to deliver my baby. As he was dressing, he turned to Steve and asked him if he wanted to deliver the baby. Steve was completely shocked that he could do that and was so excited. So he suited up too. A couple pushes later, Steve caught Peter's head, delivered the rest of his body, and cut the cord. It was so neat that Steve could do that and it is a memory we will never forget. What an amazing experience it is to have a baby! I have done it by c-section and I cannot explain how different and breathtaking it is to be able to do it naturally. When Steve put our little baby on me just after he delievered him, I could not get over how beautiful and amazing life is and what an honor it is to be able to bear children. I am so grateful for the privilege to bring children into this world and, along with my righteous husband, teach them what they need to know to progress and be successful in this life.
Peter, thankfully, has proved to be a pretty laid-back, easy-going baby. He sleeps and eats much better than Caleb and Oliver ever did and he is so gosh-darn cute! He is adored by his brothers! Caleb always wants to hold him, tells me when he thinks Peter needs milk, and has already played cowboy with him. Oliver mostly runs around yelling "baby," but he likes to pat Peter on the head and try to sit in his infant swing. I'm feeling really good except for these two milk gallons I'm carrying on my chest! My body always thinks I delivered quadruplets and produces tons of milk. Sometimes breastfeeding is so lame...there I said it. No, really, though, we are all doing great and are enjoying being a family of 5.
Welcome Peter!


Jen said...

Congratulations. He is beautiful!! I can't believe all that hair. It is good to hear that he (and mom) are doing well. What a cute, cute family!

How fun...3 boys. I love it!

first lady said...

such a cutie. I love all your pictures. glad you got a new camera. and caleb and oliver are getting soo big. AND steve you have facial hair, are you missing us out here ;) CONGRATS :) I just want to squeeze all of their cheeks well not steve's you get the point.

Kate said...

a) I can't believe how much hair he has!
b) I can't believe Steve's new goatee!
c) I can't believe how BIG Caleb and Oliver are! Wow!!
Congrats :) He is so cute. I hope next time I'm in Franklin we could get together again--how far are you from Franklin?

Kathryn said...

Congratulations to you all! He really is a cutie and you have to love all that hair! so glad he is here and you are all happy and healthy.

Daniel and Tara said...

Congrats Stephen and Jeanne! I am so excited that he is finally here and that you enjoyed such a positive delivery experience. What's the story of his middle name?

It will be so great to see Marisa and Peter in August!


pitbull said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Peter is so dang cute...he's got the "Fassler" round head and cheeks..except none of the Fasslers had hair! What a dolly! And the boys are getting so big...I miss not getting to know them. Perhaps a trip out South should be in the near future? Keep up the blogs...I love to read them and be updated with your lives. Love you, auntie lane

Braeden and Jackie said...

Congratulations Jeanne! Sounds like everything went well for you. We're so happy and excited for your growing family. Wish we could be closer so our boys could play. Love you guys and good luck!

Summer Fun 2008